Tandem Flights And Paragliding School Est. 2016 Dominical, Costa Rica

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Pre-PWC Santiago: Task 2

Having had no task on day 2 due to heavy cloud cover, today (day 3, task 2) everyone was excited to fly. The conditions were meant to be the best we’ve seen yet with cloud base at 4000m, strong climbs and lots of sun.

With those great conditions forecast a 110km task was set and the conditions didn’t disappoint when it came to flying.

The task started in the mountains and although I didn’t have the best start, I was able to catch up to the lead gaggle within one or two thermals.

I decided to push in front and a little lower than everyone else. The conditions were strong so I knew there would be a lot of lift about if I needed it.

For about half of the race it was kind of like that with me out in front and pushing but I felt like I was making good decisions and doing well as being in front is always a risk.

Isador Fink and Mark Wensauer eventually caught up to me, they had both pushed away from the gaggle to make a break for the lead.

Then there was a turn point with an entry and an exit and here I chose the wrong line, not realising I had to go to the end of the ridge to make the point. That mistake cost me flying with the lead gaggle and I lost them as they flew off. Once you lose the gaggle that’s really it. It’s very hard to catch up if they’ve got away and although the lead gaggle wasn’t many people yesterday, it still stings when you make a mistake like that.

I did quite well flying alone for the rest of the race making more conservative decisions as I had no one else to reference. Then 2km before the end of speed I found myself soaring a hill for 15 minutes just to stay up and watching people passing above me. I lost a lot of positions for that timely error but with my lead out points from earlier I managed retain a position in the top 10 for the task and stay in third place overall.