Tandem Flights And Paragliding School Est. 2016 Dominical, Costa Rica

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Pre-PWC Santiago: Task 3

Today (day 4, task 3)was a big task with an 100km FAI triangle. The sky’s were perfect blue and we knew it was going to be a strong day with that clear sky and strong sun we’d be having.

I felt like I had a great start. I was high for the start gate and able to push with the leaders early on giving me some good lead out points I case I needed to fall back on them later.

There was a moment on the ridge where I was low and in front, at least I thought I was and then I saw Isador Fink pushing 500 meters below me so I figured I wasn’t that low after all and continued to push with him.

There was one turn point the that seemed to be in the rotor out in the valley, halfway to the turn point I decided to turn around and come back to the ridge and wait for something more. The people that were leading sunk out there, so it was a good move to turn back and I managed to take a different route to touch that turn point and continue flying.

The next point was also in a pretty nasty area with lots of rotar so just as I was coming to touch that turn point it was getting rough, it was nice to hear the task was stopped instead of having to continue to fly through that rotor. It was pretty bumpy as I came in to land and I don’t say that often about the air so it was a good call for the task committee to cancel the day.

For the task I did pretty well, I came in 8th for the day and I’m still holding my 3rd position overall