Follow Zion Susanno and Marcos Rosenkjer on an adventure of a lifetime as they embark on a 2500km Traverse of the ANDES from Jujuy in Northern Argentina to ChubUt Province in the southern region of Patagonia.

Zion and Marcos have set themself a never-before-done flight, following the Andes mountain range from North to South through Argentina. Beginning on October 15th, the team have given themself a 4-week window to complete the task. The pilots are supported on the ground by a crew consisting of a driver, videographer, an additional assistant and an RV for respite from the elements.

Follow Us

As we embark on this adventure we will be sharing our experience, flights and stunning vistas. Follow us on Instagram and Youtube to stay up to date with the knitty gritty of the adventure, our challenges, our wins and of course the amazing scenery of the Andes

Live Tracking

Stay up to date with live tracking of our progress on each flight and follow the adventure in real time

This adventure is supported with gear from Gin Gliders

The Route

From Jujuy to Chubut

Starting in the northern province of Jujuy the plan for the team is to fly from the most northern region and follow the Andes south to the province of Chubut covering more than 2500km in the process.

The Andes is known to pilots as one of the most technical and difficult mountain ranges to fly with varying climates, topography and unpredictable wind and weather. With a loose flight plan of the entire distance the team have a lot of flying to do and planning as they go, reading the weather and making the smartest decisions for a safe and successful trip.





San Salvador de JuJuy

San Juan

San Juan






San Calos de Bariloche

El Bolson





The Team

The Pilots

MArcos Rosenkjer

Zion Susanno

Support Team

Luis Rosenkjer

Ground and Air Support

Simon San Sebastian

Logistics and Retreive

Beth Sillince

Media Production

Support Us With a donation

Flying across the Andes is a challenging expedition which has required a lot of time, planning and investment to make it happen. If you are enjoying following our journey and the content we are bringing to you, any support with a donation is gratefully received.

You donations will support our professional team to keep on flying and bringing you the paragliding content you love.

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